Regen PRP is reinventing the treatment of skin from the inside out, offering an autologous way to fight the signs of lines and wrinkles.

Ageing is inevitable and we are constantly trying to find ways to smooth wrinkles, tighten skin and rejuvenate our appearance. With Regen PRP, this is just the beginning.

A unique treatment that uses the body’s own natural resources, PRP (platelet-rich plasma) is a big name in the cosmetic and wellness scene and
is becoming the go-to solution for anti-ageing. The process uses your own blood to regenerate tissue and blood vessels, improving skin texture and shape, without looking overdone.

Back in 2007, RegenLab PRP was the first to market PRP in the Australian aesthetic arena. Backed by a number of clinical publications, RegenLab PRP provides evidence-based medicine for all uses of PRP; it’s a proven system using optimal concentrations for optimal results.

How does it work?

Regen PRP therapy provides gradual, natural-looking results for patients who want the complete package. Regen PRP treatments work on all three layers of the skin – epidermal, dermal and subdermal – so skin appears fresher and younger with improved quality and texture.

Registered aesthetic nurse Stacey Power from Ever Young Professional Cosmetic and Appearance Medicine in New Zealand says skin laxity issues are most common on the face, around the eyes, and neck and décolleté areas.

“As we age, we lose collagen and elastin in our skin, so we are constantly trying to find ways to improve this. The neck especially is a forgotten area; after many years people seem to suddenly remember it, by which time the skin can be quite aged, sun-damaged and lax. It then takes a lot of time and effort to attempt to repair,” says Power.

This is where Regen PRP comes in. “Because Regen PRP brings your own growth factors and stem cells to the area in a concentrated form, it regenerates the tissue and blood vessels, using new vessels to bring more nutrients to the skin. The skin rejuvenation generated by Regen PRP is the gold standard in my opinion, particularly for necks.”

According to Power, while many people have tried dermal peels, laser treatments, and all sorts of modalities to reverse the effects of ageing skin, Regen PRP offers an unmatched solution, actively regenerating skin tissue and texture in just one treatment.

“Although laser, peels and the like are great treatments, they create trauma to the skin to initiate the healing process to generate more collagen,” says Power. “PRP on the other hand works without this trauma; it sets off the process of regeneration without the body having to actually fix damaged tissue.”

“PRP uses your own blood plasma to deliver the best quality platelets and growth factors to achieve the best outcomes, in my opinion. It makes your own stem cells biologically available for repair.”

“Currently we are injecting Regen PRP under the skin to stimulate the fibroblasts at the dermal layer, which helps increase the production of collagen and elastin. This triggers a more precise repair of damaged melanocytes, which cause pigment, and also improve the finer lines across the face.”

Regen PRP can work in several ways, depending on the application and the target area. It is very versatile and while one way alone can do a lot for skin, Power is finding a combination of therapies with Regen PRP is even more effective.

Indeed, recent clinical studies have shown remarkable results in the combination of platelet rich plasma and hyaluronic acid (which has powerful anti-ageing properties) in facial rejuvenation.

The study showed significant improvement in the general appearance, skin sagging/firmness, and skin texture. The treatment was also shown to have a significant increase in skin moisture and minimisation of skin pores, resulting in glowing skin.

“Combination therapy with hyaluronic acid (HA) injections and PRP works exceptionally well together. I theorise that the HA holds the PRP in place longer and produces a lovely hydration to the skin, as well as the long-term improvement in textural repair,” says Power.

What’s involved?

A PRP treatment is fairly quick, around 40 minutes all up. The practitioner will firstly harvest your own blood growth factors, which your body would normally use to heal damaged tissue. To do this, two small vials of your blood are taken and placed in a special machine whereby the platelets are separated from the blood and then put in a syringe. It is then re-injected into the target areas in small amounts with a very thin needle, so the process involves minimal discomfort.

There may be some swelling and bruising at the injection points after the procedure, however this generally subsides overnight.

Results with Regen PRP

Results are gradual, taking about two to three months for full effects to become clearly visible, however, a significant improvement in skin texture, tone and hydration is usually visible within a few weeks.

“You don’t see results immediately, but as the treatment takes effect you suddenly receive a lot of comments about your skin being beautiful,” says Power.

“If you want to maintain your level of skin health and condition, you should have a ‘booster’ shot every nine to 12 months. If you want a slight improvement building from your initial treatment then six-monthly intervals work well, and if you are looking for continual small improvements all the time, every three to four months is optimal,” she says.

“All our patients are extremely happy with their results. The good thing with PRP is you can’t overdo it and it complements all other treatments – it can go on top of, before, or after almost all other available modalities.”

Over time, people who have been using anti-wrinkle injections (botulinum toxin) may tend to find they are not having the effects they are used to because, for example, their skin elasticity around their eyes has decreased. With Regen PRP, these patients are experiencing a significant difference in skin texture and all-round rejuvenation.

The results? There is a marked improvement in skin texture and skin laxity, as well as a plumpness and radiance to the skin. PRP also visibly reduces scarring and stretch marks, among a virtually endless list of treatment indications.

In terms of patient feedback, the numbers speak for themselves. “My clients have a 94 percent re-book rate, so I’d rate that as exceptional feedback,” Power concludes.

Where to get it

To find a practitioner in your area, visit

Before and after treatment with Regen PRP