Packed full of growth factors, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), sometimes referred to as “that vampire facial Kim Kardashian instagrammed”,  is fast becoming one of the most popular tools for those looking to restore a youthful tone, texture and firmness to their skin.

Drawing on the body’s own healing capabilities, PRP uses a patient’s own cells to regenerate and rejuvenate the skin, helping to improve the appearance of sagging skin, fill lines and wrinkles and plump areas that have lost volume over time. PRP therapy targets the growth factors found in the patient’s blood, which are then injected back into the patient to stimulate the body into producing new collagen and hyaluronic acid. During a typical treatment, blood is collected and then spun in a centrifuge in order to concentrate the blood plasma. The platelet rich plasma is then injected into the treatment area. Depending on the areas being treated, different amounts of plasma will need to be collected.

Because the raw material is taken from the patient’s own body, PRP is considered a non-allergenic, ‘body’s own’ physiological product as opposed to animal derived or human donor products, synthetic fillers or neurotoxins.
When being used aesthetically to invigorate the appearance of the skin, patients may benefit from a number of treatments, spaced several weeks apart.

During the procedure, numbing cream or local anaesthetic is applied in order to numb the area before injection, and patients should expect to experience slight bruising, swelling and redness after the procedure. Any side effects tend to settle over the course of 24 hours.

Patients typically see some results two to three weeks after their first treatment, but for optimum results a course of three or four treatments is required, spaced a minimum of eight weeks apart. Results will continue to improve over the course of a few months.