CLATUU is the latest body-contouring device garnering a large following for its non-surgical approach to fat reduction.

It is the perfect winter treatment to get rid of those stubborn areas of fat on the tummy, thighs and back, so you can look forward to flaunting a smoother, sleeker, bikini-ready body this summer.

We have a chat to Dr Ritu Guptu from Platinum Dermatology Skin Specialists about the ins and outs of this breakthrough treatment.

1. How does CLATUU work?

CLATUU is a body-sculpting technology, which destroys fat through a process known as cryolipolysis, or fat freezing. The freezing of fat cells causes them to be broken down and eliminated by the body’s natural processes.

2. What can be expected during treatment? Is it painful?

A CLATUU treatment typically takes about 60 minutes, so it can easily be done at lunchtime. During the treatment you may feel a cooling sensation, but no actual pain.

3. What areas can be treated?

Any areas with pinchable fat (at least an inch) can be treated with CLATUU. The most popular areas for treatment are the underarms, the handlebars or love handles, the saddlebags or the area near the buttocks and the front of the abdomen or tummy area.

4. How long before results can be seen? How many treatments are needed?

Typically only one treatment per area is required, which is an amazing advance in the area of body sculpting. Results are seen at 3 months, with further improvement at 6 months.

5. How much can the size of the treated area be reduced?

Treatment with CLATUU can achieve a 30% fat reduction. What’s more, two areas can be treated at once.

6. Are results permanent?

In the treated area fat removal is permanent.

7. What’s been the response from your patients?

My patients have been loving the results they have been seeing with CLATUU. In my experience, the treatment is quick, effective and there is no downtime involved. Who wouldn’t want those pesky love handles or bra bulges to disappear – and in time for the warmer weather too!

8. Is it just for fat loss? Can you also “sculpt” a more hourglass shape?

CLATUU is operator dependent so specialist trained staff are important. Here at Platinum Dermatology Skin Specialists, we assess the anatomy of the area to be treated, mark it out and sculpt it.

9. What happens after treatment? Is there any downtime?

There is no downtime, but the area may be bruised and there may be some mild, transient numbness and itching. However, this will settle down over the following days and weeks.

10. What happens if you gain weight in the future?

Fat will accumulate, but not to the same extent in the treated areas as those fat cells have been permanently destroyed.

11. Last words?

CLATUU is a great advancement in the field of body contouring and I am delighted to offer my patients such an amazing treatment that yields great results. Rightly or wrongly, how we look and perceive problem areas plays a big role in how we feel about ourselves and our self-esteem. For the right candidate, this treatment is not invasive, not painful and a great alternative to bigger procedures such as liposuction.

Where to go

Platinum Dermatology Skin Specialists
Call: (02) 80146500