Sunken cheeks, furrows and wrinkles and poorly defined facial contours are common cosmetic issues as we age. To add insult to injury, while we’re losing volume in our face, we’re often struggling to keep volume in the form of fat off other areas of our body.

The Adip’sculpt fat grafting procedure offers a double-edged solution: it allows you to take unwanted fat from your body and inject it back into volume-deficient areas. For example, fat from the abdomen or thighs can be used to define cheekbones, fill in a sunken mid-face, smooth out deep grooves and wrinkles, and add volume to the temples for a more youthful roundness. Fat grafting can even augment a non-descript chin and enhance overall facial structure.

Adip’sculpt is applied in the same way as dermal fillers, the difference is  you are using your own tissue which integrates as part of your natural structure. Because of this, the result is considered relatively permanent.

What exactly is fat transfer?

Fat transfer, also called fat grafting, fat injections, lipofilling and autologous fat injection, is a procedure that uses your own fat to fill in irregularities, grooves and volume deficits.

The fat is obtained through a minimally invasive liposuction procedure and is normally taken from the abdomen or inner thigh. This aspirated fat is processed through a specialised centrifugal and filtering system, leaving only the pure liquid fatty tissue behind, ready for re-injection where needed.

Fat grafting is not a new procedure, but early techniques lacked consistency and the proportion of fat cells surviving could be as low as 30 to 50 per cent. It is only in recent times, after significant research and development, that it has become a predictable procedure with a well-established technique. Ranked among the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world, it is now used every day in plastic surgeons’ clinics to enhance the results of surgery and add volume to the face, breasts and body.

Adip’sculpt – the smarter fat transfer technology

Recently, huge leaps have been made in investigating the biology behind the success of fat transfer. Surgeons and scientists alike have advanced this field by innovating fat graft harvesting and injection techniques, expanding the use and effectiveness of fat grafting for cosmetic enhancement.

A leader in fat grafting solutions, the Adip’sculpt fat transfer system has redefined the fat transfer process – from harvesting and processing through to re-injection – to the point where most of the fat cells can successfully be transferred. This is a significant development as with previous techniques the majority of the fat did not survive the procedure and was reabsorbed by the body. With Adip’sculpt, fat retention is in the range of 70 to 90 per cent, thereby delivering superior and predictable outcomes.

Dr Neal Hamilton from Concept Cosmetic Medicine has been using the Adip’sculpt system for three years now. ‘Adip’sculpt has forever changed my view of what constitutes best practice in cosmetic medicine,’ he says. ‘The adipose derived stem cells preserved by the Adip’sculpt system not only give facial volume but change the sun-damaged and aged skin’s architecture to a more normal youthful state. [It’s] the equivalent of vacuuming up the mess, not just sweeping it under the carpet. Nothing else does this.’

The Adip’sculpt system extracts and preserves the fat cells best suited to the new area to achieve long-term, natural-looking results. The first step is liposuction of fat from any unwanted bulges on the torso or thighs. Next the harvested fat is spun in a centrifuge. Once any excess fluid or oil is discarded, the fat is then ready to be put into small syringes for injection into the target area.

The Adip’sculpt fat grafting procedure can be used to correct a variety of concerns – from enhancing the results of breast implant surgery and standalone breast enlargement of around one cup size to body contouring, facial volumising and skin rejuvenation. One main advantage of the Adip’sculpt procedure is because most fat cells are preserved, the results seen immediately post-surgery are very close to the final result.

Fat transfer using Adip’sculpt is a predictable and effective procedure for restoring that plumper look of youth and adding fullness to areas of the face that look gaunt and tired. By adding predictability to excellent cosmetic outcomes, it’s not surprising that fat grafting for facial augmentation is surging in popularity and demand.

Benefits of fat transfer for facial rejuvenation

  • Autologous, that is it uses your own body tissue rather than a foreign injectable
  • Excellent safety profile
  • Long-lasting, more permanent solution
  • Smooth, natural-looking results
  • Virtually no risk of adverse reaction
  • Improvement in skin quality