More men are seeking cosmetic enhancement than ever before, but what is it that drives their desire for cosmetic procedures?

Traditionally, cosmetic enhancement has been considered a definite female domain. Yet, the desire to advance in the workplace, keep up in love and have that inner energy reflected in physical appearance is not restricted to those with XX chromosomes. Recent research has revealed the growing popularity of male cosmetic procedures, both surgical and non-surgical, across the globe.

The American Society for Plastic Surgery reported more men are turning to aesthetic cosmetic procedures, with dramatic increases seen in both surgical and nonsurgical options over the past 5 years and a 43% increase overall.

Over the past 5 years (since 2010) there have been significant increases in the following surgical procedures for men: blepharoplasty (up 34%), male breast reduction (up 33%), facelift (up 44%).

Since ASAPS began collecting statistical data in 1997, there has been a 273% increase in the number of procedures performed on men.

But what is it that drives men to seek cosmetic enhancement? The influences of media ideals on women are widely documented, and the motivations behind women seeking cosmetic surgery have been extensively investigated. Surely, the influences that push men to seek cosmetic enhancement are just as diverse and multi-faceted, and the recent upsurge in male interest has pushed researches to try to pinpoint the main motivations.

Career competitiveness

One of the most prominently touted male motivations is the desire to stay ahead in the career game. The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) states cosmetic surgery as a career booster is something very distinctive to male clientele. It seems looking younger, more masculine and less tired can help maintain competitiveness in the job market.

Some plastic surgeons are now dedicating a large portion of their practice specifically to male clientele, offering a variety of surgical and non-surgical procedures to address many diverse subsets of men seeking cosmetic enhancement.

Personal dissatisfaction

For some men, cosmetic surgery is a viable option in building inner confidence, or addressing as aspect of their appearance of particular concern. From simply refreshing the complexion to counter a tired, gaunt appearance, to using rhinoplasty, gynaecomastia or facelifting to tackle specific concerns, men are becoming much more forthright in addressing their ageing process. Many surgeons cite confidence-building as one of the most common reasons men approach him for cosmetic surgery.

Canadian plastic surgeon Dr Mitchell Brown has found male patients often approach him for personal, confidence reasons.

‘I find men are usually motivated by personal rather than career reasons,’ he explains.

‘They’re self-conscious about a particular area and uncomfortable at the beach or in the locker room.’

The dating game

There is no doubt keeping up appearances can grant the confidence and poise often needed to keep up in the romance scene.

Many patients who have recently divorced and are re-entering the dating game seek cosmetic surgery. Men in this situation are often hoping to create a more youthful look and re-establish the confidence that comes with a refreshed, more youthful appearance.

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a viable option to reduce the appearance of baggy lower lids or tired, heavy upper lids. This is a procedure that grants subtle, but effective results, with a relatively brief downtime.

Whether it’s surgical or non-surgical, for career, personal or romantic reasons, male cosmetic surgery is inarguably on the rise. As the cosmetic surgery arena grows and advances, both men and women are becoming more aware of the processes of ageing, and the possibilities available in keeping the signs of ageing at bay.