The face shows wear and tear faster than any other area of the body. We’ve compiled the top 10 facial ageing busters to help stunt the hands of time.


Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the upper and/or lower eyelids and refresh the appearance of the surrounding eye area.

The incision for an upper lid blepharoplasty is in the lid crease and is made with either a scalpel or CO2 laser that seals the blood vessels as it incises. Skin, muscle and fat are removed to reduce hooding in the upper eyelid.

Incisions for the lower lid blepharoplasty can be made either inside the eyelid or just below the lower lash line. Excess skin in the lower eyelids is removed through these incisions to correct under-eye bags or sagging.

Results become apparent gradually, with swelling and bruising usually subsiding after around two weeks to reveal a smoother, better defined eye region and a more alert and rejuvenated appearance. Results typically last around seven to 10 years, depending on the individual patient.


A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure to reposition and tighten underlying facial muscles and tissues in addition to reducing excess skin. It can correct sagging jowls, neck wrinkling, chin laxity and overall decreased facial volume.

Modern facelifting techniques can create a fresher and more youthful appearance without the tell-tale signs of surgery.

Incisions are usually made just inside the hairline at the temple and down around the ear. Healing is progressive; swelling and bruising usually subsides after two to three weeks.

The full result of a facelift may take a few months to realise, with end results generally lasting from seven to 10 years.


A brow lift raises the brow line by repositioning the muscles of the forehead, as well as rejuvenating the upper eye area, reducing heaviness and sagging over the eyelid and at the outer edges of the eye.

In endoscopic brow lifts, small incisions are made in the hairline, allowing the tissue and muscle beneath the skin to be repositioned or removed, correcting visible creases and furrows in the forehead. Swelling and bruising normally subside after two to six weeks.

An alternative technique is the coronal brow lift. The coronal brow lift targets specific areas of the brow to correct. The procedure involves an incision in the hairline from ear to ear, lifting the forehead and removing excess skin from the scalp. Recovery time is longer than with the endoscopic lift.


Performed in conjunction with a facelift or as a standalone procedure, a neck lift is designed to correct excess skin and fatty tissue of the neck (the so-called ‘turkey gobbler neck’), platysmal bands which run from beneath the chin to the lower neck, as well as a poorly defined chin/neck angle and jaw line.

The type of surgical technique used for a neck lift procedure depends on several factors, such as the degree of skin excess and laxity and the presence of fatty tissue. Liposuction of the chin and/or neck area may also be required to remove excess fatty deposits and help create a more defined chin/neck angle and jaw line.

Recently there have been advancements in correcting an aged neck through less invasive means, offering less downtime and surgical intervention.


Rhinoplasty improves the appearance of the nose to balance it with the other facial features. Nasal surgery can also correct impaired breathing caused by structural abnormalities.

It is performed either using a closed procedure, where incisions are hidden inside the nose, or an open procedure, where an incision is made across the columella, the narrow strip of tissue that separates the nostrils.

Swelling and bruising usually subsides after around 10 days. Results are permanent and it may take up to a year for the new nasal contour to fully refine.

Anti Wrinkle Injections

Anti wrinkle injections work by relaxing wrinkle-causing muscles, which softens existing facial lines and can also prevent the formation of new ones.

Small quantities are injected into several locations on the face such as the forehead and crow’s feet area at the corners of the eyes, reducing nerve stimulation.

Results can be seen immediately, although they may take up to four days to develop. The effects usually last four to six months. Anti-wrinkle injections are not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.


These are injected into specific areas of the face to smooth lines and wrinkles or to add volume. Fillers are also used to contour and reshape facial features such as the nose, lips and cheeks. There are many different fillers available, ranging in longevity, composition and viscosity.

Some formulas can be injected close to the skin’s surface to correct fine lines, such as in the under-eye area, while others are used in the deeper layers of the skin to build contours, especially in the cheek area.

A small amount of swelling and bruising at the injection site may result but are not likely to last more than a few days. Results for most fillers are not permanent, usually lasting for several months to a couple of years.

Fat transfer

Fat transfer is the process of removing fat cells, usually from the thighs or buttocks, and re-injecting them into areas of the face to restore a more youthful appearance. The use of a person’s own fat in this procedure means that allergic reactions and side effects caused by the introduction of foreign materials is avoided.

The down time is longer than other dermal filler treatments due to healing of the harvesting sites, but results can last up to three to five years

Platelet rich plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy uses the patient’s own blood plasma to rejuvenate a tired complexion. Platelet Rich Plasma contains certain growth factors that are central to tissue regeneration, and also take part in stimulating new blood vessel formation and connective tissue (collagen and elastin) repair.

The treatment involves several injections of 10 to 20ml of the patient’s own plasma, which is taken via a blood sample and centrifuged to separate and concentrate the platelets from the blood. The whole treatment takes approximately one hour, with results taking about three months to appear.

Laser therapy

Laser therapies work by targeting tissue and can be used for a number of treatments, including pigmentation, scarring, unwanted hair, spider veins, sun-damaged skin, and wrinkle reduction. Recent advances in laser technology mean that laser skin resurfacing, once reserved for the treatment of severe conditions such as acne scarring due to the extensive down time involved, has become an effective option for many people seeking reduction of lines and wrinkles and correction of pigmentation.

Most resurfacing lasers work by removing microscopic quantities of skin and stimulating the production of new collagen. Non-ablative lasers use wavelengths which do not burn away skin and are suitable for the treatment of melasma, scarring, fine lines and wrinkles and typically do not require any down time. Carbon dioxide (CO2) lasers can dramatically reduce wrinkles but down time and side effects such as redness are extended, usually taking many weeks to heal.

The advent of fractionated laser technology, where microscopic columns of skin are treated while surrounding skin is left intact, has made it possible to achieve better results with fewer side effects. Fractionated technology has been applied to the CO2 laser, dramatically reducing the recovery time required from months to a couple of weeks.

Results for all laser treatments vary, depending on the depth of treatment.