Wanting to restore a more youthful appearance? As we age we start to notice an increased amount of changes to your face and neck, such as the forming of wrinkles and fine lines.

There is a wide variety of surgical procedures available to address the signs of facial ageing to help you look your best at any age. We take a look at the range of different facial cosmetic treatments that are designed to enhance your natural beauty and restore a more youthful look.

Eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the upper and/or lower eyelids and refresh the appearance of the surrounding eye area.

The incision for an upper lid blepharoplasty is in the lid crease and is made with either a scalpel or CO2 laser that seals the blood vessels as it incises. Skin, muscle and fat are removed to reduce hooding in the upper eyelid. Incisions for the lower lid blepharoplasty can be made either inside the eyelid or just below the lower lash line.

Excess skin in the lower eyelids is removed through these incisions to correct under-eye bags or sagging.

Results become apparent gradually, with swelling and bruising usually subsiding after around two weeks to reveal a smoother, better defined eye region and a more alert and rejuvenated appearance. Results typically last around seven to 10 years, depending on the individual patient.

Facelift (rhytidectomy)

A facelift is a surgical procedure to reposition and tighten underlying facial muscles and tissues in addition to reducing excess skin. It can correct sagging jowls, neck wrinkling, chin laxity and overall decreased facial volume.

Modern facelifting techniques can create a fresher and more youthful appearance without the tell-tale signs of surgery.

Incisions are usually made just inside the hairline at the temple and down around the ear. Healing is progressive; swelling and bruising usually subsides after two to three weeks.

The full result of a facelift may take a few months to realise, with end results generally lasting from seven to 10 years.

Chin and cheek implants

Cheek and chin implant surgery are procedures to reshape the contours of these features to achieve better definition.

Reshaping the chin is often combined with a facelift or blepharoplasty to achieve facial proportion.

Incisions for cheek implants are made through the hairline or lower eyelids, while a chin implant incision is usually hidden in the mouth.

Bruising and swelling may last for several days, and talking and eating will usually be a little difficult for a short time. Results are permanent unless the implants are removed.

Brow lift

A brow lift raises the brow line by repositioning the muscles of the forehead, as well as rejuvenates the upper eye area, reducing heaviness and sagging over the eyelid and at the outer edges of the eye.

In endoscopic brow lifts, small incisions are made in the hairline, allowing the tissue and muscle beneath the skin to be repositioned or removed, correcting visible creases and furrows in the forehead. Swelling and bruising normally subside after two to six weeks.

An alternative technique is the coronal brow lift. The coronal brow lift targets specific areas of the brow to correct. The procedure involves an incision in the hairline from ear to ear, lifting the forehead and removing excess skin from the scalp. Recovery time is longer than with the endoscopic lift.

Nasal surgery (rhinoplasty)

Rhinoplasty improves the appearance of the nose to balance it with the other facial features. Nasal surgery can also correct impaired breathing caused by structural abnormalities.

Rhinoplasty is performed either using a closed procedure, where incisions are hidden inside the nose, or an open procedure, where an incision is made across the columella, the narrow strip of tissue that separates the nostrils.

Swelling and bruising usually subsides after around 10 days. Results are permanent and it may take up to a year for the new nasal contour to fully refine.


Threadlifting is a minimally invasive procedure designed to elevate the central face and redefine the contours with a shorter down time compared with facelift surgery, almost immediate results and fewer risks.

The most common threadlifting procedure is the suture lift, or S-lift, which uses a barbed suture to grasp the tissues of the face and elevate them. It can be performed on the mid-face, brow or lower face. Because internal tissues are not separated from each other and there is much less lifting of the external skin, post-operative swelling and bruising are significantly reduced.

Cosmetic dentistry

Modern cosmetic dentistry offers advanced techniques that can improve almost any smile. The application of porcelain or composite veneers and crowns can help straighten and whiten teeth.

Implants can replace missing teeth, while relatively simple tooth whitening procedures can brighten a dull smile. A dental makeover can help rejuvenate the entire face, creating a more youthful and healthy appearance.