Listerine Whitening mouthwash
Listerine Whitening mouthwash

What: Listerine Whitening mouthwash

How much: $8.99 for for 470ml, available from pharmacies and supermarkets.

The promise: Visibly whitens your teeth safely, whilst strengthening and protecting your tooth enamel at the same time.

The verdict: The results of any teeth whitening treatment are dependent on the condition of the teeth and the age of the person. Teeth tend to yellow as we age, and their colour can also be affected by any medications and diet.

For this test we had two of the Bella staffers try this product over a one month period.

Listerine Whitening Enamel Protection Mouthwash has a lovely fresh minty flavour, but is milder than the standard Listerine products, so was agreeable to both of our testers. It is easy to use; 10ml swirled around the mouth for 30 seconds after brushing in the morning and evenings, spit and wait as long as practical before finally rinsing with water.

The first of the testers recently had a professional teeth whitening treatment, but also enjoys the occasional glass of red mine, and a daily long black coffee, so was looking for a product to help maintain the dazzling white smile that the professional treatment had created. Over the test period the whiteness of the smile remained in top shape without any noticeable new coffee or red wine stains.

The second tester was looking at gaining an improvement in the whiteness for their smile, and wasn’t disappointed with the results, with a noticeable result after around a week and an improvement of about 4 shades lighter after a month. And has decided to postpone a planned teeth whitening treatment.

Both testers have decided to continue using the product into the future!