Your skin is yours forever, so looking after it is important. With party season wrecking havoc on your skin, it’s time to prep your skin and give it the R&R it deserves with some of our DIY tips for a glowing, healthy complexion.

1. Hold off on the steamy showers

If you’re anything like me, there’s nothing like a scalding hot shower. However, long, hot showers can strip the skin of its moisture and wash away protective oils causing your skin to become dehydrated. Keep your showers to 10 minutes max and try keep it on the cool side. And always moistuise your body afterwards to keep that skin hydrated!

2. Check yourself

Scratch a small area of your skin on your arm or leg. If it leaves a white mark, your skin is dry and needs some serious exfoliation and moisturiser. Invest in an exfoliating mitt to remove the out layer of dead skin cells and reap the benefits of softer, more glowing skin.

3. Your neck and chest are part of your face

Most of us are guilty of stopping our skincare routine as soon as we hit our chin (I know I am!) But whether it’s applying cleanser, serums or moisturiser, make sure you include your neck and chest in your daily skincare routine. These are notorious areas for showing the telltale signs of ageing, including sun spots, dryness and wrinkles.

4. Hit the hay early

We know you’ve heard it before, but it’s called beauty sleep for a reason! Lack of sleep lowers circulation, making you look pale and washed out. Nighttime is the best time to rejuvenate your skin – your body’s cellular renewal team has the night shift, so this is when you want to supply your skin with as many nutrients and hydrating ingredients it needs to do a good job.

5. Drink more water

Water is your skin’s best friend. You should try get in 8 glasses of water each day (so many toilet runs, but so worth it). It helps clear the toxins that cause inflammation and blemishes, while assisting in transporting nutrients and oxygen to the cells and preventing dehydration, which can cause premature ageing.

6. Keep your hands off your face

Stop touching your face! It can permanently damage your skin. Every time you press against a pimple, it causes inflammation and distress to the skin, often making it look worse. It can also push bacteria deep inside the pore, causing the oil glands to burst. It can be so difficult to leave your pimples alone if they are regular, but the best way to go about it is to schedule an appointment with a specialist who will extract them safely and gently.

7. Avoid the sun

This is a must for normal skincare. While we all know the sun is a great source for vitamin D, we also know that UV rays can cause a lot of damage to our skin and over exposure can result in skin cancer. Always wear sunscreen and, particularly coming up to summer, try and avoid the sun especially from 10am to 2pm.