They get us from A to B, so why not do them a favour and discover the A to Z of luscious looking legs.

Nicole Kidman and Kate Moss have them, as did Greta Garbo. Perfect legs, that is, and it’s all in the bones.

Plastic surgeon Fahd Benslimane spent 12 years analysing photographs of models and athletes, Greek statues, Barbie dolls as well as sketches by Leonardo da Vinci to find what type of legs constituted the most attractive in the Western world.

Dr Benslimane, who runs a clinic in Morocco, published his research in the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery journal. He concluded that legs with bones that run in a straight line from the top of the thigh through to the knee joint and ankle, with nips and curves at the knee and calf, were the most desirable, because they combine fragility with strength.

Ideal legs, he says, also need a short but well defined convex curve on the inside of the calf which descends into the ankle, and much longer, smoother convex curves on the outside.

‘Over the last 50 years, with the changes in women’s fashion, legs have become an important element of seduction,’ Dr Benslimane says.

According to Dr Benslimane, the first common denominator of all attractive legs is their straightness.

‘Attractive legs are straight and in continuity with the thighs. The straightness of the legs of models who advertise leg stockings and lingerie is notable.’

Of course, that’s all very nice for the genetically blessed but the majority of the female population has less than “ideal” legs.

While their actual shape cannot be easily changed, you can reduce cellulite and irregular fat deposits, improve muscle tone, achieve firmer, smoother and more even-toned skin, banish unsightly veins and unwanted hair.

Cellulite Solutions

No matter what their length or shape, an otherwise perfect pair of legs can be ruined by the tell-tale signs of cellulite – the scourge of more than 80 per cent of women.

Referring to uneven deposits of fat under the skin, cellulite occurs when fat cells enlarge, usually with age, and push through the connecting fibres of the skin, which remain the same size, producing dimples to appear on the outer skin as the fat cells emerge through the connective tissue.

Some believe hormonal changes can contribute to cellulite. Oestrogen stimulates the storage of fat and during the later stages of pregnancy also causes the collagen fibres to break down in order to relax the cervix in preparation for birth.

These physiological changes can cause connective fascial bands under the skin to stiffen and the fat cells they surround to push up into the skin. As a result, the area affected appears dimpled.

So what can be done to improve the appearance of cellulite?

Whilst liposuction can help those struggling with excess fat on areas such as their thighs and buttocks, it cannot improve the appearance of cellulite as it does not address the fibrous bands that create dimpling. Traditionally, therefore, patients have had to pursue non-surgical solutions. Today, however, there are surgical options for those willing to undergo surgery and downtime to help tackle the issue.

Non-surgical energy devices that harness laser, heat, ultrasound, infrared light and radiofrequency can also be effective in evening out fat deposits by a process known as cavitation. This is a process whereby the energy creates bubbles in the melting fat that gradually grow, and implode at a certain size. As the membranes of fat cells do not have the structural capacity to withstand the vibrations, the effect of cavitation easily breaks them, while sparing the vascular, nervous and muscular tissue. The result is instant fat loss.

Many of these devices also incorporate vacuums and rollers to stretch out the fibrous bands and hasten the expulsion of melted fat from the body by stimulating circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Repeat treatments may be needed to see results and maintenance top-ups are usually required. Everyone responds in different ways and so results will vary from patient to patient.

A healthy diet and good circulation are important in managing cellulite so aerobic exercise (such as a brisk walk most days) and dry brushing the skin every day before your bath or shower are highly recommended (it also makes the skin smooth and more receptive to moisturising products).

Topical cellulite creams contain ingredients (usually caffeine or a derivative) that act as diuretics, removing moisture from the skin, which makes it firmer for a few hours. Among the myriad anti-cellulite topical potions on the market, those that contain caffeine and L-carnitine are said to speed up fat burning. Some also contain retinol, which helps refine the surface of the skin and can boost collagen production, improving skin texture but not cellulite itself.

There are also home massage devices available that will help get that blood flowing.

Slim and Sculpt

While diet and exercise should always be the first line of defence, traditional liposuction is still the gold standard for resistant areas such as “saddlebag” thighs.

However, thigh skin tends to be thin, so a doctor may suggest laser-assisted liposuction, which delivers a wave of laser light to stimulate collagen production to tighten the skin over subsequent months.

This remains controversial, as some experts say laser lipo can help to firm the thighs while others feel it offers little or no tightening.

Other areas of the legs that can benefit from liposuction are ‘banana rolls’ (bulges where the buttocks and upper thighs meet), fatty knees and “cankles” (fat deposits where the calf meets the ankle, making the lower leg look one width). Cankles are not often treated and can be difficult because of the number of nerves at the base of the leg.

Like any other surgical procedure, liposuction has downtime. It is uncomfortable for a few people, but in general a patient is back to work in 7-10 days.

During the recovery period, it will be important to know how to care for your incisions and treatment areas, which activities (sex, exercise, showering, for instance) you can do and when you can resume them, and how to handle discomfort, swelling and bruising. You will be required to wear compression garments for a number of weeks.

The success of liposuction will be visible after a period ranging from a month to six months. Liposuction is not a permanent solution to fat removal. It has to be supplemented with a proper regime of exercise and weight control programs.

Minimising large, bulky-looking calves can be achieved with (off schedule) use of botulinum toxin injections. Since these paralyse the muscles, it also atrophies them to some degree which makes the calves can look smaller and less bulky.

As with cellulite, non-surgical fat reduction devices using laser, ultrasound, infrared light, heat or radio frequency can be very effective for spot reducing troublesome areas.

Toned and Terrific

Good muscle tone is vital for shapely legs and this can only be achieved the old-fashioned way – exercise. Sometimes, legs may look heavier than they really are because of poor blood circulation and sluggish lymph drainage, so you need to get moving. Jennifer Aniston’s stunning, cellulite-free legs are the result of countless hours of yoga, which revs up circulation and firms muscles. Other great toning exercises include Pilates, dancing, kick-boxing, squats and lunges. The best exercise of all is free and you can do it anywhere, any time – walking. And any time you can take the stairs rather than the lift or escalator, it gives your legs a brilliant incidental workout.

Skin Tight

Factors such as ageing, menopause, over-zealous dieting and extreme exercise may contribute to the skin to getting thinner, looking crepey and becoming loose and saggy. This can make legs look old, even if they are slim and shapely.

Collagen production can be stimulated with fractional laser resurfacing to smooth and thicken the skin, improving its appearance. if the skin is somewhat saggy, radio frequency or ultrasound devices may minimally tighten the skin.

Fractional laser is also used to target unsightly sunspots and flat warts on the legs (which can be mistaken for sunspots), which not only evens out skin tone, but smooths and firms the skin.

Regular exfoliation and daily use of body lotion will keep skin supple, soft and with a lovely sheen.


There’s no denying it – legs look smoother and sexier when not covered in a layer of fuzz.

If you can, consider having permanent hair reduction with laser or IPL. Frequent shaving can result in drier skin and razor burns and bumps, while waxing can lead to ingrown hairs and post-inflammatory pigmentation (if the ingrowns become infected.

A beam of light passes through the skin to the hair follicles where it is absorbed by melanin. The laser energy is transformed into heat, destroying the hair follicle leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. After a series of treatments the follicles become sterile which prevents the reproduction of further hair growth.

Technology has advanced so that white, grey and red hair and dark skins can also be effectively treated, which was not possible as little as a year ago.

Vamoose Veins

Varicose veins, the abnormally enlarged, ropy bulges beneath the skin, are sometimes caused by standing for prolonged periods of time, pregnancy or prolonged constipation. Make it a habit to elevate your legs at every chance you get, be it while watching TV, reading a book and even while you sleep. Have warm baths or showers instead of hot ones, as the latter cause the veins and the legs to swell.

When veins protrude, doctors recommend “endovenous closure”, a procedure performed under local anaesthesia in which a radiofrequency or laser fibre is inserted into the vein; energy is applied to heat the vein’s walls, causing it to collapse. Afterward you have to wear compression stockings and endure some

When a vein is large enough to be threaded with a small needle, sclerotherapy is the most effective option. A solution is injected into individual veins to irritate and collapse them; the body then reabsorbs them over the following weeks.

Glycerin works for smaller veins and saline is most effective on larger ones. The injected sites may sting slightly for a few minutes. Again, compression stockings may need to be worn for a while afterwards.

Tiny spider veins can be zapped with a Vbeam, YAG or diode laser. The beam destroys the walls of the veins (it will feel like a few quick rubber-band snaps), causing them to disappear within about two weeks.

If your legs are prone to bruising, which can look as unsightly as damaged veins, you can cut down on medications and supplements that aggravate it. These include aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E and fish oil. Some doctors recommend taking 250-500mg of vitamin C daily, which can strengthen collagen in the blood vessel walls. Arnica or over the counter topical ointments such as Hirudoid can heal discoloured areas more quickly.

Instant Fix

Give your legs an instant fix with a sun-free glow. Here are four steps to ensure your fake tan stays streak free.


Since self-tanners react with the upper layers of your skin, if certain areas have thicker skin than others, your “tan” will be more concentrated there – that is, you’ll looked striped or spotted. Give scalier areas, like knees and feet, extra attention.


A thin coating of moisturiser smooths the surface of your legs and prevents streaks. It dilutes the self-tanner a bit-but what you lose in intensity you make up for in uniformity.

Ideal using a tanning mitt (for more even coverage and to save your hands turning orange), start off in the middle of your thighs and the middle of your calves and blend out. Your feet and knees should get only whatever’s left over. Also, do it standing up because when your knees are bent, you might apply too much to the stretched skin.


After your self-tanner has done its work, blend a slightly iridescent lotion over the front and back of your thighs, along your shins, and down to your feet. The strategically placed shine has a slimming effect.